PCI DSS, in their native language (English): Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard Data Security Standard means for Payment Card Industry.
This standard has been developed by a committee formed by the major card companies (debit and credit) committee called PCI SSC (Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council) as a guide to help organizations that process, store and / or transmit cardholder data (or cardholders), to ensure that data, in order to prevent fraud involving payment cards debit and credit.
Companies that process, store or transmit card data must comply with the standard or risk losing their permits to process credit cards and debit cards (Loss franchise), face rigorous audits or payments multas1 Merchants and service providers credit card and debit must validate their compliance periodically standard.
This validation is performed by authorized Qualified Security Assessor (QSA) auditors. Only companies that process less than 80,000 transactions per year are allowed to perform a self-evaluation using a questionnaire provided by the Consortium PCI (PCI SSC).
Course PCI - DSS
The information security holders of credit cards has become a real concern worldwide, both for banks that issue payment cards to retailers that accept them and, of course, for customers who use.
General objective.

It is defined protection measures for infrastructure systems involved in the treatment, processing or storage of means of payment. Marking requirements this standard are known as PCI Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS).
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